Host your Virtual Career Fair
With VOE, you can fill any position in your organization from anywhere anytime!

Recruit desired candidate by Virtual Career fair
Educational Institutes can conduct Virtual Career Fair to connect Employees and students of institutes for their bright future.
We have all type of solutions for any type of career fair like Positions for your own company, recruitment from institutes or have job fair for attracting International or National Candidates.
Impress Candidates by your Modern and Interactive visual experience.
Tell Success stories of Company by presentation and Videos.
Real Time job boards for streamline the application
Provide chat option for fast-track recruitment.
Host informative webinar for candidates
Register your Attendees in different ways

Fill form & get confirmation on request approval

Simplify event registration process with forms

Unique way for attendees to RSVP online for an event

Tickets with multiple currencies and payment methods

Upload Excel
Directly upload the list of attendees in excel format